Army Of The Dead Netflix Review
Being a Zack Snyder film, and a zombie thriller with an interesting premise at that, we had a lot of expectations from Army Of The Dead. Unfortunately, the film fails to live up to the expectations it built in the run-up to its release. The zombies in the film are more silly than scary. They never seem terrifying or threatening at any point in the film. Instead, they die like flies at the hands of the zombie-fighters – even at the hands of the untrained safe-breaker Dieter.
To top it all, there are two categories of zombies that have laid claim on Vegas. One are the slow, shuffling Shamblers. They’re unable to think, hibernate most of the time, and are hardly a threat. The other – the Alpha zombies – are the dangerous kind. They can think, feel, love, and even reproduce (!!). They move with lightning agility and have sentient intelligence – a very different breed of the undead.